I remember thinking at a very young age that the way in which a wife treated her husband somehow reflected her relationship with God. To be more specific, I had this forenotion as a single woman that the areas in which I struggled in my relationship with the Lord, I would also struggle with my husband... patience, having faith despite circumstance, taking consistent joy in His promises...
I have had several conversations, many including Matt, where we have discussed the potential stressors of our trip taking a toll on our marriage. This morning I was thinking of that and in doing so, I recalled the forenotion from my single years( not that they were long ago). One thing lead to another in my quiet time this morning and I found myself in Peter 3:1, "...as [husbands] observe [wives'] chaste and respectful behavior. Anyway, for those of you who think I am about to go on a submission rant, Im not...simple self evaluation.
At Target, all leaders have team evaluations and we had something called "Stop, Start, Continue" and in the feedback session you would reflect on what the leader should: stop, start and continue. So, this morning I broke down "chaste" and "respectful." I gave it specific examples of what I think it could/should look like. Then I wrote down examples of what it does look like in or marriage. Then I filled in the stop and start sections for myself. Humbling. But I do think keeping my stops and starts at the forefront of my mind before traveling and during will be preventative to negative responses I naturally default to in tough times. I think this exercise is all around honoring, and actually, I am coming out of it excited versus the assumed heavy. And so, I am sharing it. Here's to becoming better...
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