Monday, October 18, 2010


I happened across the new Lacrae video shot in Manhattan and the words really struck home. I posted the video to my facebook wall for those interested. Particularly his mention of Matt.16:26. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

Last night I went to a wedding reception for a family friend and at the table I met an old colleague of my sister's who is doing quite well in the business world and as we conversed I found myself feeling in my element. Talking the landscape of retail marketing as a whole, strategic approaches and not so strategic approaches... brand equity...the often broken relationship between merchant and marketer...

I never thought to change subjects. To be intentional in finding out where he and his sweet wife next to him may have been on their spiritual journey. Ask if they attended church with the bride/groom. Something. Brand Marketing...really? For 20 minutes?

I cannot stop being intentional. We cannot stop being intentional, if our fields and occupations are going to glorify God. if our gift and talents are to point to Him. We train ourselves, our mind and our body for the race. And we run in a way as to win the prize as Paul speaks of. My prize is not promotion, not knowledge .. my prize is eternity with my creator. And that truth changes everything. Its not a competition. Its running in way "worthy of our calling" Ephesians 4. The sermon on Sunday was about this, but it resonates greater now. I run intentionally not to get the prize, I run with intentionality to honor the prize already promised me and all believers in the Jesus of the bible.

1 comment:

  1. " I run wih intentionality to honor the prize already promised..." I like that, thats a good word.
