Thursday, October 21, 2010


Shots/Prescriptions- check. Insurance- check. Phone Plan- check. Car sold- check. House bills turned over to the owner- check. Game plan for Gramma in place- check.

We're closer, that is for sure. But still plenty of details to keep me busy- simply packing for one. Truck still on the prayer list. I feel like all pauses for this weekend though. Weddings. My beautiful friend Julia is getting married this weekend and it fills me with joy. We walked life together for a year as roommates before I got married. A woman who fears the Lord is worthy to be praised. Simultaneously (literally) my husband's best friend is getting married, so we are tag teaming rehearsals, ceremony, receptions... busy on top of busy :)

I am doing a poem at Julia's ceremony and in result, my thoughts have been lingering around the beauty of God at work in marriage. Below is the poem I will be sharing, I finished memorizing it (between my pot of hazelnut coffee, sorting my jewelry and moving boxes)... My girl Ebony Ramquist will be accompanying me with some accent vocals.

A momentary glimpse
/ this divine eclipse that foreshadows eternity/ physical manifestations of spiritual realities/ instills a paternal mentality that reminds us our father is calling us home.

God is great/ and he manifests that truth in jars of clay/ that shatter at the slip of a finger and can barely hold water straight/ yet in that he more greatly shows off his grace/ chooses impossible means like matrimony to display his ways/ the fact he gives us parts in the play/ hopes when we bow others will see his face/ acknowledging we are actors but he sets the stage/ that truth makes this ceremony hold that much more weight/ the weight of glory

Because she has a home on the other side/and so does he/ but in the interim they make a home that points to thee/ and in their inevitability to hurt one another they live out the ability to forgive one another/ enabling forever/ seemingly impossible in light of America's whatever /but/ his grace seals it/ and in that light/ marriage is miraculous

God is great/ against the backdrop of eternity everything pales or brightens/ our decisions either spur us toward him or disrupt us/ so with the ring theb ride is handed a new measuring stick/ do I care that the seats left up or that his fashion sense is different/ or do I care that he's sharpened/ that he's covered in prayer so I can follow when he summons/ do I see the blood of Jesus when I look at him/ knowing he would lay down his life for me in the same way as the crucifix

We are not the world/ we do not regretfully wait for our spouses to become perfect shining reflections of beauty/ we speak it into them/ or maybe I should say we speak it out of them/ we stir the spirit up with prayer and praise and affirm them/ we are not rash with our words we are slow to speak and quick to listen/ we are not bitter in our hearts we confess to one another for mutual edification/ we are not insecure/ we stand on their vows and we trust them/and when the word asks how we say/ that's the love we know/ so that's the love we do

Yes/ God is great/ and he manifests that truth in jars of clay... (repeat until" the weight of Glory)

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