Wednesday, April 20, 2011


We have been here about a month as of this Friday and we have plenty to do in partnership with the local church and mission. We were teaching English classes, Matt was running a basketball camp and i start teaching a baking course and ballet course once a week after Easter. We have a Mothers Day event we have been prepping for with the youth in the church, not to mention simply living life Mexican style in our little house... Late night taco stand runs, random drive bys from kids in the neighborhood, neighbor moms who stop by for salt, but stay for hours chatting... it has been an experience! In May and June we will be hosting different short term groups from the state in our house. Who would of thought we would move to Mexico, and host others!

The church here meets in a house space, about the size of my dining room growing up. It is the second church plant actually. The first is in a neighboring town. Majority of our community activities meet here as well... you should see it when there are 10 full grown women doing aerobics in there! On Sundays it is overflowing out into the concrete and people listen through the windows. Its beautiful. But cramped, on our little plastic stools.

There are so many needs. Food for the youth nights, rent for a larger church space, paint for our mural (its about 6x3 meters large!), ballet shoes for the little girls... the list goes on. Our little is so much here.

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