Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoughts on Worship

"...The mind is mainly the servant of the heart. That is, the mind serves to know the truth that fuels the fire of the heart. The apex of glorifying God is enjoying him with the heart. But this is an empty emotionalism where that joy is not awakened and sustained by true views of God for who he really is." John Piper from his book, Think: The Life of the Mind...

We went to church this morning. Our landlord Suantzy brought us. It is called "Comunidad Paz" or Peace Community. We thoroughly enjoyed it. A couple of the songs were recognizable so even Matt was able to worship in Spanish. It was a special thing. Worship is a special thing. I understood a good amount. The sermon was entitled, " The power of worship." The pastor focused on excerpts through out 2 Chronicles 17-20. The story of Johosephat. It is a wonderful story. I read it again when I got home. He was an honorable king who walked in the ways of King David and followed the holy law. He also made his nation great. The pastor coined a phrase. He said, "God's grace opens doors, and character keeps them open" Johosephat was blessed by God for following the law, but his continual practice of worship despite circumstance, this compelled God's continued grace in his life. Jehosophat even called the nation to worship and fast in time of trial.

Piper in his book, "Think" discusses the importance of both thinking on and seeking the wisdom of the Lord for the sole purpose of true heart worship. Thinking and worship go hand in hand for this matter. In the preface of "Think" Mark Noll says that there are 2 books written by God that we should study seriously: The bible and the world... I love that. I love that we can study the world and see God's word proven true, and we can study the bible and better understandour experiences in the world. And in this dual studying, we heighten our ability to worship the creator of it all.

How perfectly balanced this is. How divinely thought out. The totality of it cannot but bring someone to worship. And so Piper, and Noll and our new pastor's words are proven true, that true wisdom, should breed true worship.

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